Things To Keep In Mind While Doing Flower Decoration For Wedding

No matter how modern trends of decoration are coming up, flowers in Indian weddings will always be the first pick. It is true that nothing can beat the elegance and ambience of flower decoration in wedding ceremonies. But there are certain things that one should remember while executing floral arrangements to decorate a venue.

Top florists in Bangalore have always suggested avoiding these flower mistakes that can ruin that entire décor.

flower decoration

Things To Do For Best Flower Decoration Bangalore:

To avoid ending up with floral disasters, here are certain things that need to be kept in mind.

1. Have A Clear, Wider Picture In Mind

This means, one should always think of the venue as a whole while decorating with blossoms. Visualize the room full of your guests and place the flowers accordingly so that they don’t block movement of people around.

Placing a large flower vase at the centre would block the vision of the guests to see the mandap. So, place in the correct spot.

2. Choose The Right Colour Contrast

Colours can enhance the beauty of everything around. Avoid using all matching shades – like purple flowers, purple drapes, and even purple outfit of bride and groom. That will look weird, dull and boring.

Instead, you can pick contrasts like light purple and peach or vibrant hues like purple, yellow and red. The best flower decorators in Bangalore will know innovative ways of arranging them. They will also assist their clients in choosing the right contrast that will perfectly go with the theme.

flower decoration for wedding

3. Avoid Flowers With Strong Fragrance

Most people think that flowers with strong fragrance are good ideas for decorating and those will keep up that fresh smelling ambience always. Well, not always. In case, any of the guests are allergic or have other health problems like migraine, they are going to go insane and worse, might also have an attack.

So, it’s better to drop that idea. Instead, go for soothing smells or no smell at all.

4. Hire Best Flower Decorators

Here comes the most common and major mistake people end up with – hiring an inexperienced team of decorators. One should always appoint experienced and reliable professionals in Bangalore to enjoy a number of benefits like:

  • Avail rare floral collections
  • Get off season blooms anytime
  • Have unique arrangements
  • Experiment with different styles
  • Quality service at cost-effective packages

[Tip: Don’t forget to click flower decoration pictures so that you can frame the efforts]

flower decoration pictures

5. Place Your Order In Time:

If you are planning to decorate the venue with rare floral collection, placing your order in time is highly essential. It will be a great mistake to wait until the last minute. If shipping of the flowers is involved, clearly that requires time. The decorators should be given that much time to make the arrangements.

However, with the right florist, chances are you won’t be faced with any such trouble. They will let you know everything in details beforehand. Every way, they will ensure you have the most beautiful flower decoration for wedding.

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